
December – The Classic Month of Giving


I often wonder about the age old question of is it better to give than receive? But then I think to myself: what if you could do both? There is no greater gift than volunteering your time to help others and in return getting the satisfaction of knowing that you have made a difference. I could promote buying memberships for all of your family members and giving the gift of leading more active lives (which of course I won’t discourage) but instead I will tell you a story.

 The Elora Cataract Trailway Association is how I found a way to give back to my community. It may not cure diseases or move mountains in some people’s eyes but it makes me happy. Being a part of something that encourages me to live a more active life and meet new people is exactly what I needed. How easy is it to go home from work and aimlessly stare at a television? It is much easier to find an excuse to be lazy than to actually get up off the couch and do something – anything. I may not be the best writer, but here I am challenging myself to try something new. So now I am challenging you; find something that makes you happy, try and make a difference and be proud of what you can accomplish.