
Upcoming Centre Wellington Active Transportation and Mobility Plan Public Information Meeting

Upcoming Centre Wellington Active Transportation and Mobility Plan Public Information Meeting

The Township of Centre Wellington is developing an Active Transportation and Mobility Plan (ATMP) to support walking, cycling, and rolling within the community. I am writing to let you know that there is an upcoming Public Information Centre (PIC) to collect input on the project, and we invite you and interested members of the community to join us.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Elora Centre for the Arts (75 Melville St, Elora)

This session will be an opportunity to learn more about the project and share your thoughts on the future of active transportation in the Township. Participants will review feedback we have collected from the community to date and be able to comment on proposed routes for the preliminary active transportation network.

We have attached the Notice of PIC that was circulated for your reference, along with a promotional graphic that we encourage you to share with your network to promote the PIC.

If you are unable to attend the session, we will also have an interactive map available on the project webpage after the PIC where you can provide feedback on proposed routes (

If you have any questions, please contact Adam Gilmore ( or Nick Sully (

Please note that the parking lot at the Elora Centre for the Arts is currently under construction, however, on-street parking is available nearby. Additionally, there will be a few designated accessible parking spaces in front of the entrance.